
      BOA Solaris Enterprise                                                       Order Office +49 22 42 87 35 35 5
Fax +49 22 42 87 35 35 5
WhatsApp / Mobile-Phone 00233 50 73 43 08 3

Click here for the 2017 Price List.

About Company

BOA Solaris Enterprise is preparing itself to meet Ghana’s renewable energy challenges with world class consulting and it is a part of an international, goal-oriented enterprise, able to provide a variety of groundbreaking technological solutions to meet the needs of the customer. We are uniquely positioned as a provider of creative renewable energy and clean technology solutions to meet the requirements of the local Ghanaians.

Why Solar Energy

The world is rapidly changing into a global village. However, due to the North-South divide, wealth generation and regional disparities, the price for energy is becoming the prime cause for concern. There is need for products and services in the renewable energy sector, be it solar energy and products for households, solar powered water purification systems, solar pumps and irrigation systems, solar aviation lighting or port security systems.

Our Mission

  • To deliver 100% customer satisfaction with Total quality commitment with best price offers by providing cost effective solar systems at affordable prices"  BOA Solaris Enterprise  is committed to be a leader in the innovation of solar solutions and to provide our customers with cost efficient solutions at affordable prices with a commitment to quality, reliability and excellence that is one step ahead of the market and to leave foot prints.