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Frequently Asked Questions

All told, in leading nations, the price drops (of solar components) and combination of incentives mean that an installed system could cost less than $10,000—a far cry from what solar was costing just a few years ago. And it means that some people are seeing payback periods of as little as 4 to 6 years.

Q: Why solar costs are falling

A: Economies of scale is a big one. Global solar panel production (for rooftop and other markets) grew from 24,000 megawatts (MW) in 2010 to 40,000 MW in 2013 — a 67 percent increase in just three years. China has also come on the scene in a big way in recent years, which has lowered market prices.

Q: How do I get a piece of the action?

: So how do you get in on the fun, take charge of your electricity bill, push for a cleaner energy future, and maybe end up with a great investment? Here are a few ideas:

·         Check out incentives. The PV Magazine Website is a great resource for all kinds of energy (and efficiency) rebates and incentives, including ones for solar.

·         Ask your neighbor. If someone you know has gotten solar, find out what you can about where and under what terms he/she got it.

·         Call around. See what solar suppliers in your area can offer, in terms of systems and products, plus financing.

·         Read Solar Power on the Rise. Okay, so it might not actually get you in on the fun, but it’s a quick read and it’ll give you a better sense of the technologies, the issues, and the opportunities.